A lens-based artist, originally hailing from the Highlands and currently residing in Edinburgh, Erin delves into introspective themes within her work. Her artistic exploration skillfully navigates the interplay between viewer and subject, photographer and photograph, while examining concepts such as the gaze and notions of home.


• 2017-2018: MLitt Fine Art Practice Photography and the Moving Image, The Glasgow School of Art

• 2012-2016: BA (Hons) Photography, Edinburgh Napier University


• 2022: Counting Leaves, Granton Hub, Edinburgh

• 2022: fissure, Agitate, Edinburgh

• 2022: Street Level Open, Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow

• 2022: The Inverness Darkroom Member's Exhibition, Inverness Creative Academy, Assembly Hall, Inverness

• 2022: 🥲 ✨ 🤷 😉 😐 😢 😑 😂 , Inverness Creative Academy, The Gym Hall, Inverness

• 2019: Working Title II, Stills Centre for Photography, Edinburgh

• 2019: Relay (1), Tramway, Glasgow

• 2018: Gus am bris an là, Glasgow School of Art Graduate Degree Show, Glasgow

• 2018: Projects 18: Fresh Focus, Stills Centre for Photography, Edinburgh

• 2018: I AM NOT MOVING BUT I AM MOVED, Mount Florida Gallery & Studios, Glasgow

• 2018: Window Vistas, GY Festival, Dalhousie Street, Glasgow

• 2018: No Safe Haven, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow

• 2017: Fear of White Walls, McLellan Galleries, Glasgow

• 2017: WORKING TITLE, Stills Centre for Photography, Edinburgh

• 2016: Dualism: Mind and Matter, Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong

• 2016: Dualism: Mind and Matter, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

• 2016: Best of Degree Show, Six Foot Gallery, Glasgow

• 2016: Napier Photo Collective, The Truman Brewery, London

• 2016: More Than a Degree Show, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

• 2016: Edinburgh Student Art Festival, The Biscuit Factory, Edinburgh

• 2015: Dismantle, Gayfield Creative Spaces, Edinburgh


• 2023: Photography Lecture Series, Edinburgh Napier University

• 2022: Dismantling Imposter Syndrome, Artist Talk, Agitate

• 2021: Studies in Photography Winter 2021, New Contemporaries

• 2021: Close Up: New Photographers Guild 20-21, Online Talk, Street Level Photoworks

• 2020: Finding Focus, Conversations on Photography in Scotland - episode 3 & 4


• 2019: Cove Park, self directed